Our Executive Team

V Viswanathan


P K C Nair

Joint Coordinator

Dr.Emily (Teacher)

Joint Coordinator

  • 15+


  • 0+

    LSGD’s involved

  • 0+

    Institutions involved

Activities Done/ Events Conducted

Distribution of FOB Dust Bins to Temples - Kalpathy To Vaidhyanathapuram

December 2022

Distribution of FOB Dust Bins to Temples – Chathapuram to Kalpathy

December 2022

Palakkad Chapter first step @ Kalpathy on World River Day 2021

December 2022

First Ward Committee Meeting at Kalpathy Kundambalam

December 2022

Run for Bharathapuzha

Kalpathy River Mega cleaning drive

January 2022

Water Conference